Information For Authors
Title and Authors
The title and author(s) name should be in a separate document to allow for blind peer review. The font of the title should be “14”. Let the title be concise and researchable. Any title above sixteen words should be rejected. The Author(s)’ surname should be last and in capital letters.
Abstract should not be more than 200 words which must be in block form without paragraph. It should not be italicized. It should contain the objective, methodology, findings and conclusion.
The keywords shall be maximum of 7 but not less than 5 to allow the Google and other search engines make the article accessible to international researchers and to improve the paper citation. Any keyword less than 5 may be returned during the initial editorial review.
The Body of the Article
The body should contain five sections. The sub-section should be in Arabic Numerals. The sections should include:
Introduction – (Note: Author should make the introduction very clear and ensure the objectives are measurable).
Literature Review (Note: This section should contain previous empirical works done on the subject and the theory backing the study).
Materials and Method (this is the methodology section)
Results (Note: After results are presented, Author should discuss the result. Summary of findings in as a subheading is not allowed. The summary you have must be merged with discussions)
Conclusion - (Note: Do not add the word ‘Recommendation’ to the Conclusion section. Recommendations (if any) should be a paragraph under the conclusion).
Peer Review
The manuscript submitted to the editor through CERAD shall be subjected to a blind peer review. The author and the reviewers should not have prior knowledge of each other. Otherwise the article will be retracted. However, sometimes, the Journal Editor may request the author to submit three (names of reviewers). When such happens, the authors should have no interaction with the said suggested reviewers before and during the review. In case such interaction occurs in the process, and gets to the notice of the Editor or Director of CERAD, such article may be retracted.
Article Formatting
All articles submitted to the Journal should be in MS word document. It should not be more than 16 pages in single line spacing and 12 fonts.
Processing Fee
There shall be no processing fee for the BOUESTI Journal of Education (BOUESTI-JOE).
Plagiarism is an academic fraud. Hence, authors, are required to submit a manuscript that is free from plagiarism. The journal Editor and Director of CERAD only allows a maximum of 12% similarity index. Thus, the manuscript submitted shall be subject to plagiarism test to sustain the integrity and reputation of the journal.
Acknowledgements (Optional)
It is optional when the manuscript has no sponsor. In case the author has a sponsor of the article, the fund granting institution should be acknowledged in the manuscript. The acknowledgment should be put in a separate document (Ms Word).
Conflict of interest Disclosure
Every author has the responsibility to make a statement about conflicts that arose during the study and writing of the article. If there is no conflict of interest between the authors (either in finance, writing or arrangement of names), simply write: “The authors of this article have no conflict of interest to disclose”.
Potential Authors must adhere strictly to the use of APA style of Referencing. 6th Edition. All cited authors in the body of the article must be on the reference list. When three or more authors are contained in the material used, all surnames of the authors should be cited at first citation. The second citation should be cited with first author and followed by et al. and date e.g. Olalekan et al. (2020).for easy citation and to avoid plagiarism, the Editor suggest that the authors should employ Endnote software. In-between the reference, use single line spacing. Between two authors in the reference list, use double line spacing.
Examples of Reference List
Book Publication
Beeker. G. (1964). Human Capital, 2nd edn. New York: Columbia University Press
Byrne, D. (2005). Social Exclusion. UK: McGraw-Hill Education
Koutsoyiannis. A. (1973). Theory of Econometrics New York: Harper & Row.
Chapter in Book
Ahmed, A.U. Hill, R.V., Smith, L.C. & Frankenberger, T. (2009). The poorest and hungry:
characteristics and causes. In J.V. Braun, R.V. Hill, & R, Pandya-Lorch (Eds.), The poorest and hungry assessments, Washington, DC (pp.107-128). Washington DC, USA: Taylor & Francis.
Journal Articles
Achumba, I.C. Ighomereho, O.S. & Akpor-Robaro, M.O.M. (2013). Security Challenges in Nigeria
and the implications for business activities and sustainable development. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development. 4(2). 79-99.
Adeoti, A.I. (2014). Trend and determinants of multidimensional poverty in rural Nigeria. Journal
of Development and Agricultural Economics, 6(5). 220-231.
Adewale, M. (2017 The Guardian, July 25). Nigeria has highest number of out-of-school children.
Retrieved from http://guardian .ng/news/Nigeria-has-has-highest-number-out-of-school-children/?F
Online Materials
Anderson, A, Engvall, A., & Koko, A. (2006). Determinants of poverty in LAO, PDR: SIDA,
Department for policy and Methodology. Retrieved from
Working Paper
Handley, G. Higgins, K, Sharma, B., Bird, K, & Cammark, D. (2009) Poverty and poverty
reduction in Sub-saharan Africa: An overview of the issues (working Paper 299). Oversees development institute retrieved from
Material without Date
USAID (n.d). Kenya: Country Profile. Retrieved from
Tables and Figures
The tables and figures should be prepared according to APA style. The tables should be self-
explanatory. It should contain the Arabic numerals having title at the Top and below in case of Figure. The figure should be abbreviated to Fig. 1 in the order of the Figures. If colour of Figure is necessary for printing, the author would be asked to pay additional cost for colour printing. All tables and figures must have source written at the below them.
Consent and Ethical Clearance
Research ethics requires that, before proceeding to administer instrument(s), ethical clearance should be obtained from the affiliated institution. For example, if the author(s) carried out a research involving human, animal keeping to international research ethics, an ethical clearance should be obtained from CERAD and or letter of consent should be obtained from the respondents.
Checklist of CERAD Journal
Author(s) should download from the Article Checklist from the journal’s website before submission of new article or manuscript.