This paper identified the different types of mushroom common in the tropics. It also described
mushroom can be cultured/ propagated. It identified the commonly cultured edible
mushrooms, more cultivated edible fungi, limited cultivated edible fungi, commonly cultivated
Agaricus mushroom, poisonous mushrooms, medicinal ones and nutritional values of mushroom.
Pleurotus tuber regium, the major focus of this study popularly known as "osun own" in
yorubaland, "rumbagada or katala" in Hausa, and "osu or ero-osu or ike-osu" in Igbo
languages is described succinctly in this study, the several names is being called by different
culture, the description and the medicinal value. The study also explains the subdivisions of
mushroom into four categories; fleshy and edible ones, medicinal categories, those suspected to
be poisonous, and the miscellaneous category. The importance of mushroom food supplies
through mushroom cultivation is also explained. It recommends that teachers in schools and
colleges should encourage the cultivation/ propagation of mushroom in secondary schools. The
study brings into conclusion the nutrients embedded in mushroom and its value to man.